Tuesday, February 19, 2008


"The Simple But Amazing Method For Raising Teenage Kids -- And Living To Tell About It!"
Raising your teen doesn't have to be an ordeal (for either of you). Learn how you can enjoy a calm, peaceful, and fulfilling relationship with your teen.

"Your eBook saved my teen!"
"My relationship with my son was going down the drain...until I read your eBook and used some of the techniques you have in there. Now, my son actually COMMUNICATES with me instead of treating me like a piece of furniture he has to move to get out of the way when he leaves the house! I highly recommend this eBook to anyone, and you can use this as a testimonial if you want to!"
Janelle BurtonSaginaw City
"Thank you is not enough"
"I was really skeptical when I first read about your eBook. I mean, to me, and eBook is not a "real" book. But then I decided to take a chance, after all, I can always get my money back if I wanted it, but believe me, I don;t. I am writing to tell you what a turn around I have seen in my relationship with my teenage daughter. I could never get her to talk to me, and I suspected that she was sexually active. I read you eBook and discovered parenting methods I had never even thought of before. What is even better is that my daughter has no idea I ever got this book, she just thinks I "magically tuned in" to her all of a sudden." I now have the truth out of her, and I feel like I can trust her again and more importantly, she trusts me. Thank you.
Emily Smith-GattonJackson
"Just a quick note to say thanks"
"I'm not someone who writes gushy letter praising a product, but I just had to drop you a line (in hopes that you DO get to read this!) and let you know that your Teen parenting eBook is fantastic. My teens and I were fighting every day, and now, our lives are running so much smoother. Its amazing what a difference a few hours reading can make in your life!."
Jason EmeryWayside
"What a GREAT Handbook!"
"My eldest daughter is not yet a teenager, but I feel like she is getting geared up to start these teen behaviors. I purchased your eBook and feel completely ready to face whatever trials may come as my kids hit their teenage years. Thanks for the great information!"
Esther HawMillersburg
"I am starting to love parenting again!"
"I just wanted to write in and thank you for giving me back my joy. I always loved being a parent when my kids were little, but as they got older, I seemed to lose touch with them. As my kids became teens, we started fighting all the time and our relationship became "stormy" to say the least. I purchased your eBook as a New Year's Eve resolution to get my family life in order, and already the effect is phenomenal. Thank you so much!"Rashmi InjiSanta Anna
Dear Friend,
If you wish you knew the secrets of raising an obedient, happy, and polite teen...
...if you wish you could put an end to the arguments, anguish, and stress your teenager is causing in your home...
...or if you just wish you could get them to clean their room and fill the car with gas every now and then...
Then you're going to want to lock the door, take the phone off the hook, and read this page carefully.
Here's the story....
Waltons... Or Simpsons?
Whether your family is like the Waltons, the Simpsons or the Bundys...
Whether you're living in the thirteen hundreds, the eighteen hundreds or the twenty-first century, it's never easy raising a family.
Each and every one of us though will have something in common with the mythical characters and our counterparts of yesteryear.
To go from baby to toddler to mature adult, there's one stage all kids will definitely need to go through regardless of anything else, and that'sadolescence.
Or in other words, the teenage years. Dun-da-DAH! This is when you're supposed to hear the music from the movie 'Psycho' echoing in your head.
Okay, maybe it's not that bad.
But ask yourself this question: is your family closer to the Waltons...or to the Simpsons?
Which Teen Is Yours?
The anguished teenager, the rebellious teenager, the bookworm, the go getter, the jock, the cheerleader, the nerd, the mixed up one who's not popular but has the potential…the list of teenage stereotypes is practically endless, and if you look hard enough you'll always find a teenager that will suit one of these stereotypes.
If you look harder still though, you'll see that some facet of their personalities will fit each and every one of these stereotypes.
So what do you do then?
Raising a teen is hard enough, if you don't know what mold they fit into how can you proceed any further?
That's easy really.
And answering that question is what led me to start doing the research and coming up with the answers to my own kids problems.
In the process I learned a lot of things that can be helpful to any parent struggling with a difficult (or soon-to-be- difficult teen).
Who Am I And Why Should You Listen To Me, Anyway?
I'm the proud of mother of three grown children and the proud grandmother of one yet to be walking baby.
You might be wondering what you're doing reading this book, and to tell you the truth at first I was wondering what I was doing writing this book.
Let me start at the beginning though.
Before I started this book, and before it even became a germ of an idea, my daughter found out that she was pregnant and started to frantically read up on any and every book that she could get her hands on about parenting and babies in particular.
This very naturally gave me pause for thought.
Where were all these books when we were having our babies?
Who was there to help and guide us through these rough times?
The answer came without any thought or volition on my part: our mothers.
His mother, my mother, my mother's mother, the list goes on and on, and I have to say that looking back now this was probably the best support group that we could have had.
Thinking along these lines, and realizing that these days the biggest challenge for parents is not raising babies but raising teens, led to me writing down my hard-won lessons on raising teens.
I mean, after all, I've raised three of them.
None of them are in jail.
I am not in the nuthouse.
Therefore, I must qualify as an expert.
What You'll Learn From This Book
Is there really any way that you can tell anyone what parenting is about, or what teen parenting is about?
Is there any set definition that will tell someone that if they do this, this, and this, their child will turn out to be a model citizen and a fine upstanding member of the community?
Well, while I can't guarantee any of those things, I can certainly tell you how you can get as close to guaranteeing those outcomes as possible.
In my book, Teenage Parenting, you'll learn:
You don't have to spend a lot of money and buy your kids "Stuff" to have them turn out right.
You won't need to try out any weirdo, new-age, wacko parenting stuff.
How you can avoid the big problems of drugs and sex.
It's not necessary to be "super parent" to have your kids turn out "normal".
It can be easier than you ever suspected to raise great kids.
Now, how do I know you can learn these things?
Because I learned them...
And if I can do this, I know you can too.
Plus, I put all this information into a fast-reading, easy-to-follow eBook (electronic book) you can download mere seconds from now.
Once you get a copy of this book and follow its instructions...
Your Friends Will Be Astounded By The Change In Your Teen
Maybe your friends are accustomed to nodding wisely, clucking about how tough you have it with your teen.
They might give you lip service about how sorry they are you're having problems.
You and I both know that in their secret heart, they are thinking, "That could never happen to my child."
Imagine how amazed they're going to be when your kid does a complete turn-around, thanks to what you learn in my book.
They may laugh right now if you tell them you're going to try something new.
They won't be laughing when they see your polite, considerate, and level-headed teenager.
What Will Your Life Be Like When You Have The Well-Behaved, Considerate, And Grateful Teen You've Always Wished For?
Can you even let yourself go for just a moment and think about this...
What will your life be like when your teen does a total transformation?
Will that change anything else in your life at all? You know for a fact it will be different.
Think about this.
Once you know the secrets inside my book, you can...
Enjoy long talks with your teen about their life and what's going on with them.
Get back the closeness you had when your teen was much younger -- when they loved and trusted you without question.
Never again fear what might come out of your teen's mouth in the presence of your friends and co-workers.
Get your teen to join in family activities without being coerced -- and even to enjoy trips, visits, and playing games.
Feel the envy and curiosity of your friends who will all wonder how you did it!
I hope you're beginning to see how mastering your relationship with your teen can truly transform the quality of your life.
And this is not just "another book about teens"...
Why This Book Is Different From All The Others
My book is not a "textbook".
I don't know about you, but I hate reading those books by "academic" with a string of letters after their name...who don't know a darned thing about what real if is like.
They fill up their books with a bunch of theoretical nonsense that is of no use to anyone.
My book is also not a bunch of feel-good, pump-up, psycho-babble. You know the books and programs I'm talking about...
They're full of motivational junk that just doesn't work in the real world.
And finally, my book is not filled with a bunch of charts, pictures, and "filler" material that is designed to make the book thicker.
You know what I'm talking about, right?
You've read those books that take about 500 pages to say what could have been said in 50.
Well, with my book I took out all the filler and fluff.
It's about 100 pages of nothing but the solid, useful truth.
And when I say useful, I mean it!
... Just Some Of What You'll LearnIn Teenage Parenting
Here's just a little taste of what's inside this book (which you can be reading in less than 2 minutes from now if you want)...
The teenage "identity crisis" - why it happens, and what you can do about it. (page 18)
Rebels without a clue... it's wired into teens to rebel. But they often don't even know why. How you can cope. (page 19)
Communicating across the chasm. Simple ways you can bridge the age gap, communicate with your teen, and help them to be independent without being delinquent. (page 26)
The guaranteed way to keep track of your teen. Want to know who they're with and what they're doing? Do this, and you will always know. (page 35)
Young love and how to deal with it. When "young love" strikes, it's often in the form of "young lust". How you can save your teen and yourself a lot of heartache. (page 37)
Facing peer pressure. Despite what your teens say, they need your help with peer pressure. You can help -- if you just know how (hint: it has nothing to do with "just say no"). (page 41)
How to deal with the big worries: how to "sin-proof" your teen against the deadly forces of alcohol, smoking, drugs, and sex. (page 44)
The secrets of getting cooperation. Just like a combination lock, if you know the right numbers to press, you can get your teen to do their homework, dress respectably, pick up their room, and even get a job! In these pages, you get the combination! (page 48-53)
Sibling sanity. Siblings (brothers and sisters) can make the teen years even more complicated. You get a road map to help you navigate this rough and rocky road. (page 62-69)
Dealing with death. It's often in the teen years that we face the hardest of truths: people we love die. Learn to help your child get through this very difficult time. (page 74)
The Devastation of Divorce - how to behave, what to say, and what to do when helping a teen understand your divorce. How to help your teen through the divorce -- and helping them avoid drugs, alcohol, and "bad influences" during this vulnerable time. (page 70)
The special challenges of Single Parents. The only thing harder than raising a teen with your spouse's help...is doing it alone. These tips will help. (Page 77)
When hobbies become obsessions. When is it time to be alarmed by your teen's obsession with computers, video games, the Internet, or even TV and books? Learn the answer before it becomes a problem you can't overcome! (page 80)
Think about what your life will be like when you know these parenting secrets (along with all the other ones I reveal in this one-of-a-kind book).
How Much Does The Book Cost?
The real question is ask is: how much is it worth to be able to raise a healthy, balanced, and stable teen in this crazy world?
I suppose you could do what most people do -- just "make it up as you go", and use the "trial and error" method.
Do you really want to take a risk like that with your teen's life?
Why not take advantage of the experience and knowledge I've put into this simple book?
And I boil all down for you in very simple, easy to understand terms.
Less than 100 pages -- no fluff, all information you can put to work right now.
Order your copy of the book AND the audio book for just $37.00.
I'll send you not only the book itself, but also the audio book (which you can listen to on your iPod or other MP3 player, or on your computer... or even burn it to CD). And if it doesn't work - I'll send you back your money.
Doesn't $37.00 seem reasonable?
And just in case you missed what I was saying, let me be clear...
You Get The Book PLUS The Audio Book!

When you order your copy of Teenage Parenting today, you get the book in two different formats:
Downloadable eBook. You can be reading Teenage Parenting in as little as 2 minutes from right now (even if it's 2am on a Sunday!). My automated system will deliver your copy as a downloadable PDF file (which can be read on any computer). You can read the book on your computer, or you can print it out if you like.
Downloadable Audio book. I'll also deliver you the Audio book version in MP3 format. You can listen to it on your iPod or other MP3 device, burn it to a CD, or just listen to it right on your computer. The choice is yours!
Try The Book Risk-Free For 8 Full Weeks!
There's no need to make up your mind right now.

Read it.
Try the techniques.
See if it works for you and your teen (it will).
I don't want you to take any risk at all in ordering this book. So here's what I'm willing to do: you get the book and audio, and put me to the test for EIGHT WEEKS.
If at the end of the 8 weeks you don't feel amazed, dazzled, and delighted with all the changes you see in your own teen, then please...
Simply ask for a refund.
I'll give you 100% of your money back. No hassle. No questions.
"Rock-Solid 8-Week Unconditional Guarantee"
My personal promise to you:
If Teenage Parenting doesn't work for you, I don't want to keep your money.
Get your copy of the book right now.
If it doesn't fulfill your every expectation, help you form a deeper bond with your teen... break through the communication barrier... change their behavior... get them involved in family life again... and leave your friends and family asking, "How did you do that?"...
If you're not 100% thrilled and delighted with the results...
Just ask for a refund and I'll send you every penny of your money back.
It's that simple, and the risk is 100% on my part... not yours.
For A Limited Time, Order Now And Get These Free Bonus Gifts Valued At $57
Plus, if you buy it I'll include the following free bonus gifts:
FREE BONUS GIFT #1 (Value $19)
A GREAT eBook on Kid's activities and how to keep your kids busy - the fun way!
FREE BONUS GIFT #2 (Value $19)

A Kid's Safety Trainer eBook - full of tips and tricks to keep your kids safe at any age.
FREE BONUS GIFT #3 (Value $19)

The Positive Parenting Guide - how to parent your children in a positive manner that will leave everyone smiling at the outcome.
Total Value of Bonus Gifts = $57
Don't forget - you have up to 2 whole months to decide ...
But even if you decide to return it... you keep all of the bonus gifts.
For that matter, you get to keep everything (how could I make you "un-download" your book and audio book, even if I wanted to?).
If you were less than honest, you could download you book and easily rip me off.
But I'm placing my faith in you, I trust you won't do such a thing!
Order Your Own Personal Copy Of Teenage Parenting Right Now
YES! I want to finally learn how to get more joy, fulfillment and and cooperation from my relationship with my teen... please give me INSTANT ACCESS to my downloadable copy of Teenage Parenting right now...
I understand my order will be processed on a totally secure server, and once it is processed, I will be able to immediately download my eBook (electronic book)... even if it's 2am on a Sunday.
I understand I will immediately get $57 worth of additional bonuses that will supplement the information in the eBook and help me develop a fulfilling relationship with my teen.
I understand that I have 56 days (8 weeks) to test each and every bit of information in your book and if I am not 100% thrilled with the amazing changes I see in my teen, I can get a full refund.
I understand I keep each of the 3 bonuses, even if I request a refund on the book.
I understand I also get the audio book version, which means I can listen to a professional recording of the entire book, any time I want, as many times as I want. The recording can be played on my computer, on my iPod, burned to a CD -- any way I want to use it!
The instant my order is approved, I'll download my copy of the book.



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